Ohio Legislative Black Caucus Reaffirms Support for Issue 1 Amid Concerns Over Misleading Ballot Language

COLUMBUS, OH—Today, Ohio Legislative Black Caucus (OLBC) President Rep. Terrence Upchurch (D-Cleveland) issued the following statement: The Ohio Legislative Black Caucus (OLBC) stands firm in its endorsement of Issue 1, the Citizens Not Politicians initiative, despite concerns about the final language that will appear on November ballots. Issue 1 seeks to replace the current politician-led redistricting system with a 15-member citizen commission, ensuring transparency and fairness in creating voting districts across Ohio.

The recent approval of the ballot language by the Ohio Ballot Board has raised alarms among proponents of Issue 1, including the OLBC, who are concerned that the language inaccurately portrays the amendment’s intent. Although certain corrections were made after a court ruling, the final wording still suggests that the citizen commission could be forced to gerrymander districts—a false and misleading characterization. This portrayal undermines the fundamental purpose of Issue 1, which is to put an end to partisan gerrymandering and create impartial voting districts.

“We cannot allow misleading ballot language to obscure what’s really at stake,” said Rep. Terrence Upchurch, President of the OLBC. “Issue 1 is about fairness, transparency, and making sure that Ohioans—not politicians—decide how voting districts are drawn. It’s critical for the future of our democracy.”

Issue 1 proposes establishing a citizen-led redistricting commission, free from political influence, to create voting districts in a transparent and accountable process. The OLBC emphasizes that this reform is urgently needed, as Ohio has a long history of gerrymandered maps that have disenfranchised voters, particularly in marginalized communities. Although opponents of Issue 1 are attempting to cast doubt on the initiative’s goals, the OLBC remains confident that voters will see through these tactics and recognize the value of this reform.

“The current system has allowed politicians to manipulate district boundaries for their own advantage, at the expense of Ohio’s voters,” said Sen. Paula Hicks-Hudson, an OLBC member and long-time advocate for redistricting reform. “Issue 1 is a solution to this problem, and we urge all Ohioans to vote yes and help create a fairer electoral process.”

The OLBC is calling on voters to support Issue 1 and help end the era of gerrymandering in Ohio. By voting yes, Ohioans can ensure that future voting maps are drawn to reflect the interests of the people, not politicians.