Penalty Flag: Ohio’s Cheating Politicians Are as Crooked as Harbaugh & That Team Up North

The Los Angeles Chargers and their cheating coach Jim Harbaugh play the Pittsburgh Steelers on Sunday. The team Harbaugh cheated for, the Michigan Wolverines, already have one loss and are playing under a four-year NCAA show-cause order as they face USC on Saturday.

Ohio State fans watching these games to root against the Chargers and That Team Up North may see a new “Yes on Issue 1” ad from Citizens Not Politicians that shows how the politicians in Ohio behave worse than anyone on the Michigan sidelines — shamelessly lying, cheating and gerrymandering with impunity, with far greater real world consequences.

The ad is available here. It will run statewide on streaming services and digital ad networks, including platforms that digitally carry football into Ohio homes onto screens big and small. Buckeyes everywhere are encouraged to share the ad with their friends on Instagram, Facebook, X and all the rest. Be sure to tag your friendly neighborhood Michigan fan.

“When coaches don’t play by the rules, we call it cheating. When politicians do it, it’s called gerrymandering — and it’s just as bad,” the narrator says, with shots of Harbaugh in that goofy bent-over stance he does on the sideline. The ad concludes: “So join the team. Vote YES on 1 to stop politicians’ cheating.”

The full script with citations for the ad can be found at

Yes on Issue 1 campaign spokesperson Chris Davey would not comment on the ad, but he did say, “We have been unable to conclusively confirm or disprove the rumors that Frank LaRose is a Michigan fan.”

“Ohio is one of the ten most gerrymandered states in the nation, and the politicians have drawn unconstitutional maps seven times,” Davey said. “Every Buckeye who hates cheating will vote yes on Issue 1.”

When passed, the Citizens Not Politicians Amendment will establish an independent redistricting commission, free from current or former politicians and lobbyists. The initiative will create a fair, transparent, and impartial redistricting process that genuinely reflects the will of Ohio’s citizens.

More than 100 organizations, businesses, and thought leaders across Ohio for the constitutional amendment. The diverse coalition supporting the historic initiative includes Republicans, Independents and Democrats and is made up of business groups, nonpartisan policy groups, labor unions, civil rights organizations, and faith-based organizations representing hundreds of thousands of Ohioans across the political spectrum.

A bipartisan group of more than 85 business leaders has also released an open letter endorsing the amendment.

Gerrymandering, the practice of drawing political boundaries to favor a particular party or group, undermines fair representation and effective policy. Ohio is recognized as one of the worst states for gerrymandering, affecting the lives of millions of Ohioans.

The Citizens Not Politicians Amendment will:

  • Create the 15-member Ohio Citizens Redistricting Commission composed of Republican, Democratic, and independent citizens representing the state’s diverse geography and demographics.
  • Ban current or former politicians, political party officials, and lobbyists from serving on the commission.
  • Require the creation of fair and impartial districts, prohibiting any drawing of voting districts that discriminate against or favor any political party or individual politician.
  • Operate under an open and independent process.

For more information about the lawsuit and the Citizens Not Politicians Amendment, visit