This Court has never hesitated to strictly enforce the legal requirements for the text that appears on the ballot.” COLUMBUS, Ohio – Today, the nonpartisan Citizens Not Politicians coalition filed its merit brief and evidence…
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Ohio’s Ballot Board began as bipartisan reform, but is now so political it repeatedly lands in court
For the third time in a little more than a year, Secretary of State Frank LaRose is in court over ballot language he and other Republicans wrote describing a measure they oppose. This time, LaRose is…
Shamelessness thy name is Frank LaRose
“Now he just serves evil” aptly describes a politician who repeatedly ignores his sworn duty to instead serve a corrupt gerrymandering system. Understand the rage against this corrupt political machine. For the third time in…
Ballot Board blows it
The Republican controlled Ohio Ballot Board, exercising a lose-at-all-costs strategy, has approved language for the proposed amendment to put citizens in charge of political redistricting that stamps the GOP’s political label on the ballot summary…
Ohio Sec. of State Frank LaRose failing his basic duty of being an impartial election administrator
He’s done it again. Ohio Secretary of State Frank LaRose has deliberately sabotaged the ballot language of a citizens’ initiative on redistricting. He wants voters to defeat it in November so he’s manipulating the wording…
Ohio lawsuit seeks rewrite of redistricting ballot language dubbed ‘biased, inaccurate, deceptive’
The Ohio Supreme Court should step in on behalf of voters and order a rewrite of ballot language for a fall redistricting measure that “may be the most biased, inaccurate, deceptive, and unconstitutional” the state has ever…
Ohioans fight back against language in redistricting ballot issue
The Ohio Ballot Board is being sued over language it’s using for a proposed constitutional amendment that would take politicians out of the redistricting process. The group Citizens Not Politicians is behind the ballot initiative…
Citizens Not Politicians Sues LaRose and Ballot Board to Ensure Accurate Ballot Language for Issue 1
The nonpartisan Citizens Not Politicians coalition today filed a lawsuit with the Ohio Supreme Court against the Ohio Ballot Board, challenging the historically deceptive and misleading ballot language adopted Friday for Issue 1, the Citizens…
Nonpartisan Coalition Will Sue Over Illegal Ballot Language Designed to Mislead Voters about Issue 1
Blatant abuse of power violates Ohio law, Constitution Columbus, OH — After the Ohio Ballot Board today adopted illegal and inaccurate language designed to mislead Ohio voters about Issue 1, the Citizens Not Politicians…
Ohio anti-gerrymandering leaders say LaRose’s draft ballot text is deceptive and unconstitutional
The office of Ohio Secretary of State Frank LaRose has drafted ballot language for the Ohio Ballot Board to consider Friday that supporters of an anti-gerrymandering amendment say is deceptive and unconstitutional. The Ballot Board…