Ohio citizens right now are represented by unconstitutionally gerrymandered state lawmakers. The politicians in the General Assembly in Columbus are occupying unconstitutionally gerrymandered seats. This is not a matter of opinion. It was adjudicated in…
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Ohio & National Election Experts Endorse Issue 1 to End Gerrymandering in Ohio
Nonpartisan election experts and organizations from across the U.S. and Ohio today issued endorsements for voting Yes on Issue 1 to end gerrymandering in Ohio. “In short, Issue 1 is an effective remedy to Ohio’s…
Curtin: A conservative case for Issue 1
“There is only one force in the nation that can be depended upon to keep the government pure and the governors honest, and that is the people themselves.” – Thomas Jefferson From the outset, Ohio’s…
Facts About Issue 1 the Politicians Don’t Want You to Know
As the final weeks of the Issue 1 campaign approach, various groups are sharing claims about the amendment that are simply not true. To help voters stay informed, here’s an Issue 1 Fact Check Guide,…
As Ohioans consider Issue 1, League of Women Voters report says existing redistricting system brings ‘divisions and disadvantages’
CLEVELAND, Ohio – A prominent backer of a redistricting reform amendment Ohio voters will consider this fall says in a new report that Ohio’s existing system has divided people and marginalized communities. The League of…
In Ohio, Black Voters Stand to Benefit from Reformed Redistricting Criteria
From the day that the Citizens Not Politicians “Yes on 1” campaign qualified for the November ballot in Ohio, politicians have worked strenuously to confuse and distract voters from using their power to fix a fundamentally broken…
U.S. Army Veteran Stars in New ‘Yes on Issue 1’ Ad
“I didn’t join the military to protect career politicians” COLUMBUS – Ohio citizen and proud U.S. Army veteran Brandon Barcus takes center stage in a powerful new ad supporting Issue 1, urging voters to…
Dispatch Editorial Endorsement: Ohio Issue 1 restores power to citizens, helps democracy
Ohio voters must seize power from greedy politicians when they head to the polls on or before Nov. 5. The 2024 version of Ohio Issue 1 brings a citizen-initiated referendum with 535,000 signatures before voters who approved a similar…
Opinion: 77% of Ohioans have no real choice for state lawmakers. We need Issue 1
Issue 1 on November’s statewide ballot asks each Ohio voters a clear-cut question: Shouldn’t you run this state, rather than let a clique of partisan hacks call the Statehouse’s shots? That’s the issue: Stopping the rigging…
Blade Editorial Endorsement: Yes on 1 to end gerrymandering
State Issue 1 on the Ohio ballot is simply a question of whom do you trust. Stripped of charge and countercharge of gerrymandering for political advantage, the issue is who should draw the lines used…