
  • A. Philip Randolph Institute (APRI) 
  • Abortion Forward
  • AFSCME Ohio Council 8
  • All in Ohio Kids
  • American Civil Liberties Union of Ohio
  • American Federation of Teachers (AFT) 
  • Article IV
  • Ashtabula County AFL-CIO Labor Council
  • Black Environmental Leaders Action Fund
  • Brenen’s Coffee Cafe
  • Brennan Center for Justice
  • Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers & Trainmen
  • Building Freedom Ohio
  • Business for Democracy-Ohio
  • CAIR Ohio
  • Campaign Legal Center
  • Central Ohio Area Labor Federation (ALF)
  • Central Ohio Labor Council, AFL-CIO
  • Cincinnati AFL-CIO
  • Cincinnati Pride, Inc.
  • Cincinnatus Association 
  • Co-op Dayton
  • Columbus Community Rights Coalition
  • Common Cause Ohio
  • Communications Workers of America (CWA) – District 4
  • Communications Workers of America (CWA) – Local 4300
  • Communications Workers of America (CWA) – Local 4302
  • Communications Workers of America (CWA) – Local 4319
  • Communications Workers of America (CWA) – Local 4322
  • Communications Workers of America (CWA) – Local 4324
  • Communications Workers of America (CWA) – Local 4326
  • Communications Workers of America (CWA) – Local 4340
  • Communications Workers of America (CWA) – Local 4372
  • Communications Workers of America (CWA) – Local 4400
  • Communications Workers of America (CWA) – Local 4502
  • Community Foundation of the Mahoning Valley
  • Dayton Building and Construction Trades
  • Dayton-Miami Valley AFL-CIO
  • Dirty Girl Coffee
  • Donkey Coffee and Espresso
  • Episcopal Diocese of Southern Ohio
  • Equality Ohio
  • Equity House
  • Faith Choice Ohio
  • Faith in Public Life
  • Freedom Bloc
  • Gem City Action
  • GrassRoot Ohio
  • Greater Cleveland Congregations 
  • Hall of Fame Central Labor Council
  • Honesty for Ohio Education
  • Human Rights Campaign PAC
  • Hyacinth Bean Florist
  • Impact Appalachia
  • Innovation Ohio
  • LatinOHs
  • LEAD Ohio
  • Leadership Now Project
  • League of Women Voters of Ohio
  • Licking-Knox-Muskingum-Coshocton Central Labor Council
  • LOVEboldly
  • Mahoning-Trumbull AFL-CIO
  • Mid-Ohio Area CLC, AFL-CIO
  • National Council of Jewish Women – Cleveland
  • Northern Hills Synagogue
  • North Shore AFL-CIO
  • Northcoast Area Labor Federation (ALF)
  • Northeast Ohio Area Labor Federation (ALF)
  • Northeast Ohio Voting Advocates
  • OFUPAC (Ohio Families Unite for Political Action and Change)
  • Ohio AFL-CIO
  • Ohio Alliance for Retired Americans Educational Fund
  • Ohio Association of Professional FireFighters
  • Ohio Citizen Action
  • Ohio Citizen Action Education Fund
  • Ohio Coalition on Black Civic Participation
  • Ohio Conference AAUP
  • Ohio Education Association
  • Ohio Environmental Council
  • Ohio Equal Rights
  • Ohio Fair Courts Alliance
  • Ohio Farmers Union
  • Ohio Federation of Teachers (OFT) 
  • Ohio NAACP
  • Ohio NOW Education and Legal Fund
  • Ohio Organizing Campaign
  • Ohio Organizing Collaborative
  • Ohio Student Association
  • Ohio Sustainable Business Council
  • Ohio Unity Coalition
  • Ohio Voice
  • Ohio Women’s Alliance Action Fund
  • Ohio Women’s Alliance
  • Ohioans for Redistricting Reform
  • OPAWL – Building AAPI Feminist Leadership
  • Organizing4UA
  • Parkersburg-Marietta Building and Construction Trades Council
  • Planned Parenthood Advocates of Ohio
  • Red Wine & Blue
  • Religious Action Center (RAC-OH)
  • RepresentUs
  • RuralOrganizing.org
  • Service Employees International Union (SEIU) District 1199 WV/KY/OH
  • Shawnee Central Labor Council, AFL-CIO
  • Southeast Ohio Area Labor Federation (ALF)
  • Southeastern Ohio AFL-CIO
  • Stand Up America
  • Steel Valley Reproductive Freedom Coalition
  • The Amos Project
  • The Care Economy Organizing Project
  • The Hunger Network of Ohio
  • The Matriots
  • The Murray and Agnes Seasongood Good Government Foundation
  • Third Act Ohio
  • Tri-County Regional Labor Council
  • UAW Region 2B
  • UFCW Local 1059
  • United Steelworkers District 1
  • Upper Ohio Valley Labor Council
  • UPTOUS2024
  • Village Bakery & Cafe
  • Wild Cat Gift and Party
  • Woman’s City Club of Greater Cincinnati