Issue 1 will end gerrymandering, and the corrupt politicians and lobbyists opposed to it are only out for themselves.
They’ve made Ohio one of the most gerrymandered states in the nation. Their gerrymandered districts are designed to discriminate against Black voters and silence our voices. And they’ve been ruled unconstitutional seven times by the Ohio Supreme Court. Career politicians and lobbyists will say anything to keep our current broken system that lets them manipulate voting districts.
“A bipartisan Ohio Supreme Court… rejected said gerrymandered maps seven separate times”
Capital Journal, 7/26
The truth? Issue 1, the Citizen Not Politicians Amendment, bans lobbyists and politicians from the process and instead empowers voters to choose their politicians. That’s why leading civil rights organizations like the NAACP, Ohio Unity Coalition, and Ohio Organizing Collaborative all support Issue 1.
Issue 1 is endorsed by Ohio’s leading civil rights organizations

Join them. Vote YES on Issue 1 so we can hold politicians accountable.